Your home is the biggest asset most people will ever have. There are many simple things the home owner can do to ensure their home is maintained and the people within it are safe.
Below is a simple list of some of the most common items any home owner can and should do.
Monthly - Check and add water softener salt. Quarterly - Test all smoke and carbon dioxide detectors, if they are battery operated replace at least annually. Test and reset all ground fault (GFCI) outlets. Check and replace furnace filter or after any home renovations. Test your garage door “auto reverse” feature.
Bi-annually - Clean range hood filters. Clean lint from your dryer vent. Test your sump pump especially in early spring. Carefully vacuum refrigerator coils.
Annually - Drain the bottom of your hot water tank, until the water runs clear. Check and repair damaged caulk around sinks, showers and baths. Clean leaves and debris from your window wells.
For additional information on any of these Home owner tasks and why you should do them feel free to ask Beechwood Handyman